Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Doubt and Seeking – After The Tragedy of Man
Gábor Hollerung and the Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra

Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra

Doubt and Seeking – After The Tragedy of Man
Gábor Hollerung and the Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra

Müpa Budapest — Béla Bartók National Concert Hall

12 April, 2023 | 7.30 pm

Ticket prices

2900–10500 HUF Tickets for this performance is being sold based on a dynamic pricing system.

Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Programme booklet

Milton: Paradise Lost – excerpt
R. Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra
Levente Gyöngyösi: Tragœdia Temporis I – based on Imre Madách’s dramatic poem, The Tragedy of Man – world premiere

Eve: Gabriella Balga
Adam: Zoltán Megyesi
Child: Eszter Zemlényi
Lucifer: Csaba Sándor
The Lord: Krisztián Cser
Featuring: Eszter Ónodi – prose, Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra, Cantemus Choral Institute Nyíregyháza (choirmaster: Soma Szabó), Pro Musica Girls’ Choir (choirmaster: Dénes Szabó)
Conductor: Gábor Hollerung
Host: Sándor Lukács

Libretto: Judit Ágnes Kiss
The Milton text translated by: Viktor Horváth
The Milton text proofread by: Miklós Péti
Concept, dramaturgy: András Visky

The works at this evening of the Budafok Dohnanyi Orchestra concern themselves with the ways of the world, man’s search for directions, the phenomenon and significance of the Luciferian spirit. The programme includes the symphonic piece Strauss wrote on the inspiration of Nietzsche’s epochal work, Milton’s epic poem, which is informed by a similar spirit, and Levente Gyöngyösi’s adaptation of the national classic, Madách’s The Tragedy of Man.
The first of the planned four parts of Tragœdia Temporis, Levente Gyöngyösi’s staged oratorio, deals with Adam and Eve’s life in Paradise and their expulsion from Eden. The work, which is marked by the composer’s signature communicative character, is special in that its main character cannot be found in Madách’s drama: he is a child, an angelic person, who was already by the Lord’s side before Creation. The Lord is a real character in the story, who argues with Lucifer and comments on the actions of the first human couple.
In the scenes that take place in Paradise, the sounds of nature can be heard as the musical expression of beauty; the composer here represents the pure beauty of the Garden of Eden. The music of the scene where the first humans meet and fall in love is ethereal, almost naive. This is the world premiere of the piece, which was an award-winner of Müpa Budapest’s 2020 Composition Competition.

Performance in Hungarian

This event is part of the 10th Theatre Olympics.

Müpa Budapest — Béla Bartók National Concert Hall

12 April, 2023 | 7.30 pm

Ticket prices

2900–10500 HUF Tickets for this performance is being sold based on a dynamic pricing system.

Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Programme booklet