MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ
4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi János u. 1–3.


Photographer: B. Tsimoyianis


MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ

30 April, 2022 | 6.00 pm

Free programme

MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ
4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi János u. 1–3.

29 and 30 April | 6 pm

29 and 30 April | 9 pm

Performed by: Becca Dean, Rose Huey, Sarah Keeney, Samuel Melecio-Zambrano, Wailana Simcock, Jose Abad
Featuring: Chibueze Crouch – voice, Ben Juodvalkis – guitar

Music: Ben Juodvalkis
Rigging: Brooke Anderson, Melecio James Estrella, Dániel Alföldi
Artistic director: Melecio Estrella
Executive producer: Thomas Cavanagh

Turning the dance floor on its side, the world-famous ensemble has combined body dynamics, complex choreography, and a wide variety of climbing and hanging techniques into a single, harmoniously interconnected form of artistic expression. Working under the artistic direction of Melecio Estrella, BANDALOOP, which was founded in Oakland by Amelia Rudolph, reimagines dance and activates public spaces in the act, earning the admiration of audiences around the world.
The stunning performances take place in a variety of settings, from historical milieus, like ancient castle walls, to the glass surfaces of hyper-modern skyscrapers in big cities, or in the wild, on steep cliff faces. Millions of people in 22 countries have seen their site-specific productions. The company, which scaled facades in Budapest with its dizzying dance, now returns to Hungary with three venue-specific performances.

MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ

30 April, 2022 | 6.00 pm

Free programme

MODEM Modern és Kortárs Művészeti Központ
4026 Debrecen, Hunyadi János u. 1–3.