Art Deco Budapest
Posters, lifestyle and the City (1925–1938)

Art Deco Budapest
Posters, lifestyle and the City (1925–1938)
Hungarian National Gallery
12 April, 2022 | 10.00 am
Hungarian National Gallery
1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2.

The exhibition focuses on Hungarian Art Deco visual culture, especially poster art and modern metropolitan life, by presenting posters, furniture, costumes, films, and even urban spaces to give a comprehensive picture of the distinctive visual characteristics of the interwar period. The posters in the exhibition reflect the phenomena of the time, the new ideal of the woman, modern fashion, the cult of sport and health, the innovations – car, radio, talkies –, as well as the new forms of entertainment such as jazz concerts, nightclubs, and revues. Most of the more than 250 artworks on show are rarely exhibited.
The exhibition is on view between 12 April and 28 August.
This exhibition of the Bartók Spring is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hungarian National Gallery.
Hungarian National Gallery
12 April, 2022 | 10.00 am
Hungarian National Gallery
1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2.