The Art of Lajos Gulácsy (1882–1932)

The Art of Lajos Gulácsy (1882–1932)
Hungarian National Gallery
7 April, 2023 | 10.00 am
Hungarian National Gallery
1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2.

Curator: Edit Plesznivy, Gábor Bellák
The most extraordinary figure of 20th century Hungarian art, Lajos Gulácsy was a Florentine knight from the Middle Ages, a Venetian marquis, a fop of a rococo cavalier, an ascetic monk, a spiritualist magician, inventing ever new names to bear during these time travels: Louis, Lodovico, Luigi Gulaxy or Prince Na’Conxypan. He created most of his works in Italy, which he visited several times after his 1902 trip to Rome. Over the ninety years since his death, barely has a decade passed without some new finding by art historians to enrich our understanding of his work, and collectors’ interest has grown accordingly. Along with the host of well-known masterpieces, this new exhibition also presents works that have been recently identified as his. The paintings, drawings and illustrations are complemented by manuscripts of Gulácsy’s writings, photographic portraits of the artist, and a few characteristic works by his contemporaries. Wide-ranging with over two hundred exhibits, the show throws a new light on a rich oeuvre.
The exhibition is on view between 7 April and 27 August.
This exhibition of the Bartók Spring is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hungarian National Gallery.
Hungarian National Gallery
7 April, 2023 | 10.00 am
Hungarian National Gallery
1014 Budapest, Szent György tér 2.