Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Capa...
Hungarian Photographers in America (1914–1989)

Kertész, Moholy-Nagy, Capa...
Hungarian Photographers in America (1914–1989)
Museum of Fine Arts
5 April, 2024 | 2.00 pm
Museum of Fine Arts
1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 41.

Curators: Alex Nyerges, Péter Baki, Károly Kincses
In cooperation with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, the Hungarian Museum of Fine Arts presents an exhibition of works by photographers of Hungarian origin who emigrated to the United States.
The large-scale event, featuring nearly 30 artists – including Martin Munkácsi, Robert Capa, André Kertész, László Moholy-Nagy – is to showcase the extraordinarily rich American–Hungarian photographic heritage. The originality of the concept lies in the fact that this selection takes a comprehensive look at the work of Hungarian-born photographers who gained renown in the United States, juxtaposing the images of artists who are world-famous and of those who are lesser-known in Hungary.
The artworks selected by the American curators will be complemented by photographs from Hungarian public and private collections, as well as works by Anna Barna, László Kondor and Nickolas Muray.
The exhibition is on view between 5 April and 25 August.
This exhibition of the Bartók Spring is jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and the Museum of Fine Arts.
Museum of Fine Arts
5 April, 2024 | 2.00 pm
Museum of Fine Arts
1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 41.