Man of Gold – world premiere
Award-Winner of Müpa’s Composition Competition

Man of Gold – world premiere
Award-Winner of Müpa’s Composition Competition
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
15 May, 2021 | 8.00 pm
Free programme
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Bence Farkas: Incidental music for the silent film, Man of Gold (director: Alexander Korda, 1918)
Featuring: Győr Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor: Gergely Dubóczky
Bence Farkas’s work was an award-winner of Müpa Budapest’s autumn competition for composers, in the film music category. Alexander Korda’s classic of cinematic history presents a special challenge to the modern composer of incidental music: “This early silent film can easily prove demanding for today’s watcher: it seems slow-paced, but it is still difficult to follow; the actors keep making unusual gestures, the inserts break the sequence of images, and there are quite a few other technical solutions you can’t see in a modern film,” the composer said. “The greatest challenge is the composition itself: what can the style accommodate; does it facilitate reception; what is the weight of contemporary techniques to be; how can it be performed? And will it work live? If I can answer these questions right, the performance can be enjoyable and exciting.”
We would like to draw the attention of our audience to that the current pandemic regulations may also affect the online program of the Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks, the program and the dates of the events may change. For the most recent information, please visit our website and social media channels.
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
15 May, 2021 | 8.00 pm
Free programme
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.