Bartók 1914
In the footsteps of a collector in Transylvania

Bartók 1914
In the footsteps of a collector in Transylvania
House of Music Hungary — Concert Hall
9 April, 2022 | 8.00 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF
House of Music Hungary
1146 Budapest, Olof Palme sétány 3–5.

Featuring: Dumitru Toderic – violin, recorder, Albert Fülöp, Ágnes Langer – violin, Albert Lunka – three-stringed viola, János Ötvös – double bass, Magos Band
The members of Magos Band: Ágnes Enyedi – voice, Csaba Soós, Márton Kovács – violin, Soma Salamon – recorders, accordion, Márton Éri – kontra, Tamás Enyedi – cimbalom, István Prihoda – double bass
Director: Soma Salamon
Béla Bartók set off for Maros–Torda County in April 1914, before the outbreak of the First World War, on what was to be the composer’s last great trip to collect folk music in Transylvania. The war and its aftermath swept away the state of authentic folk music that came to be preserved in his recordings. Bartók 1914 is a production that pays tribute to this musical material. The concert features Magos Band, who devote particular attention to the folk music of the region, and who will host special guests from Transylvania: Romanian fiddler and recorder player, Dumitru Toderic from Felsőrépa (Vătava), the first village Bartók visited during his 1914 journey, musicians from Magyarpéterlaka, who know the music of the Székely villages along the Nyárád (Niraj) well, with Ágnes Langer and Balázs Fülei.
This concert of the Bartók Spring is presented by Müpa Budapest as a joint event with House of Hungarian Music.
House of Music Hungary — Concert Hall
9 April, 2022 | 8.00 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF
House of Music Hungary
1146 Budapest, Olof Palme sétány 3–5.