Makám: Mamilula

Makám: Mamilula
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
20 May, 2021 | 8.00 pm
Free programme
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Featuring: Sári Bede, Szilvia Bognár, Klára Korzenszky, Irén Lovász, Bori Magyar – voice, András Pál – prose, Gabriella Rácz – violin, Zoltán Krulik – voice, guitar, Attila Boros – bass guitar, Dávid Eredics – clarinet, kaval, saxophone, Endre Juhász – oboe, duduk, Zoltán Mizsei – voice, piano, László Keönch – voice, throat singing, drums, cajon, udu, derbuka
Dramaturgy: Boglárka Cziglényi
Concept: Zoltán Krulik
Over its history of three decades, Makám never stopped renewing itself: its songs have combined the folk music of different ethnicities, contemporary music and jazz in countless ways, creating harmonious wholes that allowed tradition and modernity, the East and the West, the collective and the individual to appear as mutually dependent on each other. Their records and concerts have featured such great singers as Irén Lovász, Bea Palya, Ági Szalóki, Szilvia Bognár, Ágnes Herczku and Erika Lázár.
With songs, prose, and poems, the group, which was founded by Zoltán Krulik, tell a story at this concert that started sometime in the 1950s, and lasted into the 21st century. We set out from Galla, a village in Western Hungary, and through Tatabánya and Pannonhalma, we reach Budapest. The Makám adventure then unfolds between Paris and Delhi, Krakow and Split.
For this special concert, Krulik selected songs with a personal mood he wrote over 35 years, as well as autobiographic writings from The Last Paper Plane, his volume of prose, and (Birth Register (to be published), a collection of poems.
We would like to draw the attention of our audience to that the current pandemic regulations may also affect the online program of the Bartók Spring International Arts Weeks, the program and the dates of the events may change. For the most recent information, please visit our website and social media channels.
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
20 May, 2021 | 8.00 pm
Free programme
Müpa Budapest – Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.