Ritmo films: Again and Again / MORDÁI
Ritmo films: Again and Again / MORDÁI
Toldi mozi — Small Hall
12 April, 2024 | 6.00 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF
Day tickets, PASSES and PRO PASSES are valid for the screenings.
The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.
Toldi mozi
1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36–38.

The mix of folk songs, jazz and playful electronica makes VENI (Veronika Szász) one of the most promising acts on the scene. Marked by her velvety voice, she creates a dreamy, mellow and memorable soundscape, lifting the listener a few feet off the ground. Young cinematographer Ábel Regős adds his quirky, experimental technique to create a unique coupling of image and sound.
MORDÁI is the front runner of the youngest wave of Hungarian dark folk rock. Their concert film was directed by two well-known, young directors: Gábor Reisz and Bálint Szimler. Inspired by the experimental folk music movement of the 1960s and ‘70s and giants of the genre such as Muzsikás or the Sebő band, MORDÁI debuted in 2018 with lead singer Soma Nóvé’s EP, Népdalok (Folk songs). Their sound focuses on the dark aura of folklore, fuses it with drops of wildly experimental jazz and brings it to catharsis with powerful hard rock. Their music feels like walking through a forest at night – and knowing that bandits are watching the road. Co-directed by Gábor Reisz and Bálint Szimler, MORDÁI shot the film, which combines both surrealism and crime fiction, in Gellért Hotel.
The screenings are jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hangvető in the framework of the Bartók Spring.
Toldi mozi — Small Hall
12 April, 2024 | 6.00 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF
Day tickets, PASSES and PRO PASSES are valid for the screenings.
The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.
Toldi mozi
1054 Budapest, Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 36–38.