Budapest Ritmo
Budapest Ritmo
Clubs in Budapest
12 April, 2024 | 3.30 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF | 3000 HUF | 15900 HUF
HUF 3000 (from 11pm online and on the spot on the day of the programme)
PASS (12–13 April – shows and movies):
HUF 15900 (from 12 April 2024 online and on the spot on the day of the programme)
Budapest Ritmo Conference can be attended by PRO PASS holders, but prior registration is also required. Click here to registrate.
Movie tickets: HUF 2500
Tickets for the screenings can be purchased by clicking on the titles of the films.
The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.
Clubs in Budapest

5pm Omara – documentary in Spanish and English with English surtitles (director: Hugo Perez, 2021)
6.45pm The Last Hope of Věra Bílá – documentary in Czech with English surtitles (directors: David Vondráček, Roman Šantúr, 2018)
3.30pm Elis e Tom – documentary in Portugal and English with English surtitles (directors: Roberto de Oliveira, Jom Tob Azulay, 2023)
6pm Ritmo films: Again and Again / MORDÁI (director: Ábel Regős, 2023 / Gábor Reisz, Bálint Szimler, 2021)
7.15pm Ida’s Idea – documentary in Czech and Slovak with English surtitles (director: Tomáš Kudrna, 2016)
6pm Conga Heaven, Bongo Hell! dj’s – Cyborg Templar & Tibsā
8pm Gaye Su Akyol
10pm BCUC
7pm Vincent Moon x Dalinda (live act)
9pm Decolonize Your Mind Society
10.30pm Theodosii Spassov & Ágoston Béla
9.30pm Jelena Popržan
11pm Gérald Toto
12am Rafael Garnica DJ Set
Bantu punk will thunder on the second day of Budapest Ritmo, there will be a rush of carnivalesque psychedelia, and ethno jazz will soar freely. Get lost in the Hungarian cultural tradition or be dazzled by the musical idioms of Africa, the Balkans and France as you move from one stage to the next at Akvárium Klub: BCUC from South Africa will bring a pan-African outburst of styles, Gérald Toto will cast a spell with chansons, while Béla Ágoston and Theodosii Spassov will indulge the fans of ehtno jazz. You are also in for unforgettable moments at the concerts of of the Decolonize Your Mind Society, one of the most exciting acts on the Hungarian world music scene. Neither is to be missed!
The concerts are jointly presented by Müpa Budapest and Hangvető in the framework of the Bartók Spring.
Clubs in Budapest
12 April, 2024 | 3.30 pm
Ticket prices
2500 HUF | 3000 HUF | 15900 HUF
HUF 3000 (from 11pm online and on the spot on the day of the programme)
PASS (12–13 April – shows and movies):
HUF 15900 (from 12 April 2024 online and on the spot on the day of the programme)
Budapest Ritmo Conference can be attended by PRO PASS holders, but prior registration is also required. Click here to registrate.
Movie tickets: HUF 2500
Tickets for the screenings can be purchased by clicking on the titles of the films.
The capacity of the venues is limited to varying degrees.
Clubs in Budapest