Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

Muzsikás Day

Photographer: Béla Kása

Muzsikás Day

Müpa Budapest

10 April, 2023 | 11.00 am

Free programme
The entry for the programmes of the Muzsikás Day is free, except the Muzsikás 50 concert at 8pm. Click here to buy tickets for the concert.

Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.

11am Julcsi Paár: Kerekerdő
3pm Dresch String Quartet
4pm Folk music and dance from Magyarpalatka with Florin Kodoba and friends
5.45pm Ferenc Zimber and Dániel Szabó play the cimbalom
6.30pm Folk music and dance from Kalotaszeg with Erdőfű and the Muszkas
8pm Muzsikás 50 – gala concert in the Béla Bartók National Concert Hall
11pm Spring Ball and Moldavian folk music with the Berka Band

5pm The Muzsikás Story – celebrating half a century of the band’s history

Host: István Berecz

Editor: László Porteleki

Muzsikás is one of the most important formations of the dance house movement that started half a century ago. We now know that folk music and folk dance became a source of communal experience, the excitement of which had an impact far beyond the world of clubs, from film and rock music through the visual arts to theatre and dance. This colourful world is still alive and thriving, and we will get a taste of it on the fiftieth anniversary of Muzsikás. Julcsi Paár, a consummate singer, will welcome families with songs from her album Kerekerdő, Florin Kodoba, the lead violinist of the Magyarpalatka Band will demonstrate the essence of dance music, and there will of course be a chance to learn dances. Since it will be Easter Monday, there will be a spring ball late in the evening, with music provided by Berka, a band founded fifteen years ago and specializing in Moldavian Csángó folk music.

Müpa Budapest

10 April, 2023 | 11.00 am

Free programme
The entry for the programmes of the Muzsikás Day is free, except the Muzsikás 50 concert at 8pm. Click here to buy tickets for the concert.

Müpa Budapest
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell utca 1.